Cardano: Making the World Better For All

Cardano token
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Cardano is the Future of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Cardano is a third-generation blockchain that is unique in its relentless pursuit of excellence with its scientific and research-driven approach to improve upon the mistakes and inefficiencies of other blockchains. Its amazing technology has the potential to change the world with its ability to provide people from all levels of society with digital and financial identities, with automated Smart Contracts and decentralized applications, and with its environmentally-friendly Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism.

Banking the Unbanked

Go here to see the amazing work that Cardano and IOHK are already doing in Africa. They are working in Ethiopia to create a blockchain-based digital identity for 5 million students and teachers and are working with World Mobile to help create a digitally connected Africa so millions of people can own their personal data and finally have access to banking and financial services. Ethiopia will look to use Cardano's blockchain technology to transform everything from agriculture to health care.


Cardano (ADA) Blockchain uses a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism with significantly less energy costs than Proof of Work (PoW) blockchains like Bitcoin that have to rely on a small group of miners using a lot of electricity to validate transactions. Cardano has a large group of stake pools that give it better decentralization and it is four million times more energy efficiency than Bitcoin, making it the best "green" coin for the environment and for the future.

Smart Contracts

Cardano will have Smart contract capability with its much-anticipated Alonzo upgrade in September of 2021, allowing it to have automatic self-executing contracts. This will eliminate transaction risks, increase transparency for all parties involved, reduce costs, eliminate redundant paperwork, streamline international approval processes, and improve overall efficiency. It will also give developers the ability to build decentralized applications (DApps) on top of the Cardano blockchain.